Chronic prostatitis

Chronic inflammation of the prostate affects about 30% of men aged 20 to 50 years. This is one of the most common among men urological diseases.

Because of inflammation of the prostatitis is divided into two groups. The first group includes infectious prostatitis, which can be caused by various bacteria, viruses or fungal diseases.

Chronic prostatitis

The second group includes the so-called congestive (congestive) prostatitis, which are caused by fluid retention (secret) of the prostate and of blood in the veins of this body. The development of these symptoms is observed, for example, at irregular sexual life. Venous congestion may occur during prolonged sedentary work in a sitting position (for example, automobile drivers and workers of brainwork), wearing tight underwear, as well as the abuse of alcohol.

The factors development of prostatitis

In addition, the factors predisposing to the development of prostatitis are: reducing the body's defenses, hormonal disorders, unhealed foci of infection from which microbes penetrate into the prostate and contribute to the development of inflammation.

The risk of prostatitis as a result of lower immunity higher in sickly people, amid nervous overloads, chronic stress, Smoking and alcohol. All these factors either ease infection entering into prostate gland or lead to the deterioration of blood supply of pelvic organs, stagnant processes that promotes duplication of microorganisms and development of inflammatory process.

What happens?

Often the prostatitis develops in the chronic form, over several years without causing much concern. It can be not intense pain, discomfort in the perineum, radiating to the sacrum, genitals or rectum. Periodically observed rapid, painful and sometimes difficult urination, a slight discharge from the urethra.

Unfortunately, most men at this stage do not pay attention to such symptoms, but in vain. The danger of chronic prostatitis in that its spread in the urinary system can lead to the development of cystitis and pyelonephritis.

In addition, complications are prostatitis vesiculitis — inflammation of the seminal vesicles, and orchiepididymitis — inflammation of the testicles and their appendages, and this, ultimately, can lead to male infertility. In addition, inflammatory processes in the prostate can further cause the development of BPH or prostate cancer.

After a while the prostatitis cause erection problems. This is due to involvement in the inflammatory process of the nerves responsible for erectile function, which pass through the prostate gland.

Diagnosis and treatment

So, if you have at least one of these symptoms, do not hesitate, do not start the disease — go to the urologist or andrologist. The doctor will ask you to pass the primary examination, which includes tests for STDs and ultrasound of the pelvic organs and the prostate, and will hold a digital rectal examination of the prostate. Fear does not need: an experienced doctor will not hurt you. This study is extremely informative. It allows you to specify the diagnosis and the severity of the disease. Feeling gland (through the anus), a doctor not only finds out what happened to her, but gets a sample of her secret. Before treatment in the laboratory will be carried out the bacterial inoculation of prostate secretion for determination of the sensitivity of your microflora to various antibiotics. Without this treatment will not be effective and may not lead to getting rid of the disease and its transition to a new, more severe form.

Drug treatment of prostatitis is complemented by a massage of the prostate, reducing congestion, improving blood flow and the evacuation of secretions of the gland. Unfortunately, modern medicine still can not solve the problem of the final cure of prostatitis. The doctor is able to bring the disease to remission (absence of symptoms) of two to three years. After which the treatment must be repeated.


Always much easier to prevent disease than to cure it. So try to observe some simple preventive measures can save you from all the "charms" of prostatitis. Discard fashion, forcing keep walking in tight jeans and tight swimming trunks. Loose cotton briefs much more hygienic and do not interfere with the normal blood flow in the prostate.

Also, avoid hypothermia, move more and, if it is not possible to have regular sex, do Masturbation according to doctors, this cleansing and self-massage, and prevention of prostatitis.